Our world is a broken world. In many ways, it would be true to say that it has been broken since the garden of Eden. We know the theology facts, but today, right now, our world is more openly broken than we have seen or experienced in a long time.
Our world has been ravaged by the Coronavirus pandemic. Nation after nation, city after city, family after family has felt the fear, pain, suffering and loss. It begins to abate in one part of the world only to surge with great force in another. This pandemic not only brings disease and death, but also lockdowns, quarantines, and economic disaster. Its impact truly has been global. Every corner of the planet has felt the fallout.
Governments across our world are in free fall. Men and women of character and strength are few and far between. Rare are the ones who stand upon principle rather than pragmatism. It seems everyone is out for themselves rather than to better their country. The influence of liberal thought and a drive toward a one world government has removed any concept of a nation submitting itself under God.
In recent days, our world has been torn apart by an horrible, unjust act which took the life of a black man, George Floyd. The angry public response has resulted in day after day of protests which then evolved into nights of violence, rioting, looting and more death. Social media is filled with angry words, accusations flow in every direction, hatred is spewed out against any and all, and calmer voices are drowned out by calls for revenge and score settling. This is all so very tragic, but revealing as to how much our world is broken.